There's nothing like a fight to make any couple feel like your best friend is suddenly your opponent.

You know that your time is simply too valuable to spend it frustrated, exhausted, and disconnected from your partner, so you're ready for things to shift, ASAP!

Bringing Fights Down to Zero is a course designed to give you and your partner some concrete, essential strategies on how to reduce fights and ease tensions at home. Get ready for: 

  • Learning about the difference between arguing and disagreement, and why this is crucial information for a healthy relationship
  • Figuring out what is normal in arguing… and what isn’t 
  • Understanding what happens to your body when you’re angry, how this makes everything a bit harder, and how to combat this
  • Finally identifying patterns that are WAY more likely to lead to divorce
  • Tangible tools to use pre-fight, during the fight, and post-fight
  • Ways to move from cold shoulder and yelling to intimacy, connection… and even flirting! 
  • A worksheet and a PDF with extra goodies for you and your partner to try out and refer back to
  • Next steps to take if you and your partner are want even more

For a LIMITED time! Only Available Until September 25th!

Bringing Fights Down to Zero is an action-packed course, giving you and your partner the tools to reduce fights and the friction that ways they cause. Learn the go-to that we've helped couples go from cold shoulder and intimacy-less to openly communicating and batting eyelashes.

Your connected relationship could be just steps away!

Mollie Eliasof

Mollie Eliasof, LCSW is the founder and CEO of Syndesi Relationship Counseling, and has dedicated her life to helping high-powered professional couples find love, connection and intimacy. Mollie has transformed the lives of hundreds of couples using various evidence-based approaches, including the Gottman Method and Emotionally Focused Therapy. 

Through combining her love for success, business, and couples therapy, Mollie has designed this course for those of you who are ambitious and driven enough to learn how to do it all!  

What students are saying about this class:

So much information! This course really helped me figure out what our arguments are actually about, and taught me ways to take a step back, process and calm down in the moment - Maria G.

I found this information to be very interesting! It is really important to have the language to express how I’m feeling. I am more aware of how my body is reacting to my mental state when I am arguing with my partner. - Samantha S.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my partner isn't interested in doing this with me? 

That's a-okay! You can take this course on your own and still learn a lot about how to make fights more manageable on your end. We give tools that will help you cope and also communicate your needs with more ease.

I've already taken a class like this before. How can this help?

After providing thousands of appointments, we have narrowed down our favorite most effective tools in this course. This action-packed guide is a helpful reminder and an excellent resource bank to review when fights pop back up.

We are not married. Is this for us?

Definitely! Couples at all stages get into fights. We aim to make your life and love easier by giving you the tools to stay connected, even when you're on different pages.

Disclaimer: This course is just general information, and is not to be considered clinical advice, nor a substitute for therapy. No therapist relationship is created by this course. Please consult a physician or therapist to determine if such information is right for you.